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Using Python Concepts

Welcome back!

As we’ve got our bases covered, today we’ll be digging into some real programming concepts!

We’ve split different topics into different videos. Feel free to revisit this part of the course if you don’t feel comfortable with any of the topics we’ll discuss today. 

The things we’ll be learning about today are the foundations of programming. I strongly encourage you to find more resources on the internet to gain a stronger understanding of these subjects as it will be of immense help along the way.

First, we’ll talk about variables. These are quite simple and should be a breeze. We only cover integers below, so do check out this article on the different types of variables.

Next, let’s take a look at conditional statements. Once again, we won’t cover all the different types of conditionals but we’ll instead try to understand the underlying concept.

Next up, we’re going to be taking a look at data structures. We’ll go over lists and dictionaries which will be the primary structures you need to know for this course, but other data structures such as sets and tuples are very important to understand if you want to go further. 

Now let’s use what we’ve learned to move onto the next concept, loops. Loops are how we run a piece of code repeatedly and are essential to know. Below we’ll be learning about ‘While’ loops, which is a certain type of loop. ‘For’ loops are another very important type of loop which work in a similar fashion.

And lastly, we’re going to take a look at functions. These are relatively simple but extremely powerful. Most of the scripts you’re going to be writing will include functions, and Python has an enormous amount of built in functions.

And with that done, we’re ready to move forward with actually using what we’ve learned today to accomplish more useful tasks!
Review this blog post to learn more about Data types in Python just to make sure you’re clear on the concepts we’ve discussed today.
In tomorrow’s course we’ll set up our virtual environments and get ready to start writing Python code that interacts with Meraki.
See you then!