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Connecting to Meraki

Hello everyone and welcome back!

Today we actually begin programming using the Meraki APIs!

In this first video, we’ll learn how to use Environment variables so we can ensure we operate with maximum security. It’s quite simple so follow along and put your API key in an environment variable.

Next, let’s begin exploring the power of the Meraki APIs to obtain some information from the Meraki dashboard. We’ll follow the Getting Started guide on Meraki’s developer website in this video.

And there you go! You’ve just obtained a list of networks from one of your organizations. As you might see though, simply obtaining the data isn’t enough. We need to format this so it can be easier to work with. That’s exactly what we’ll go over in this next video.

Good job! You’ve just created a CSV file based on information from the dashboard. You are now equipped with the knowledge you need to make reports based on information from the Meraki dashboard in any way you like. 

You can combine different API calls and create a variety of interesting reports.

We’ve learned how to draw information from the dashboard, but what about making changes to the dashboard? That’s where the Meraki APIs really shine. 

That’s exactly what we’ll be looking at tomorrow. 

I look forward to seeing you there!